All orders placed can be returned for a refund or exchange within two weeks from date of purchase.

We can accept returns or exchanges on any garments that are clean, unworn, and with the original packaging. We will not be able to accept your return if there are signs of wear.

To request a return, please submit a return request using this form, and we will either arrange a courier pick up (for local orders), or email a shipping label to you (for international orders).

Once we receive your return, we will send you an email to confirm that we’ve received it. If there is no exception with your return, your refund will be processed within 2-3 working days.

If you wish to exchange your item, and there are no exceptions with your item, please use the form to note which item you would like us to replace your returned item with. Do note that exchanges depend on availability of stock. If the item you would like is out of stock, we will issue a refund.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us via email at